- Installing instructions
- Linux
- MacOSX
GMT is available on Windows, MacOS X and Linux. GMT is an open source software available under the terms of the Lesser GNU Lesser General Public License. Its source code can be downloaded through tarballs or the subversion repository. Source and binary packages are provided for the current version.
It is possible to use apt-get on OS X 10.9 like Deb based Linux using a third party software named Fink - How to Install apt-get on Mac OS X. However, unlike Homebrew and OS X Package Managers, Fink does not use /usr/local/ path to install software. There are several ways to install Git on a Mac. The easiest is probably to install the Xcode Command Line Tools. On Mavericks (10.9) or above you can do this simply by trying to run git from the Terminal the very first time. $ sudo dnf install asciidoc xmlto docbook2X $ sudo apt-get install asciidoc xmlto docbook2x. Install with docker. The rclone maintains a docker image for rclone. These images are autobuilt by docker hub from the rclone source based on a minimal Alpine linux image. The:latest tag will always point to the latest stable release. You can use the:beta tag to get the latest build from master. Install GMT5 via sudo apt-get install gmt gmt-dcw gmt-gshhg However, the Ubuntu package under 16.04 LTS for mysterious reasons does not include the supplements. If you need them you will need to build from source or upgrade to 18.04 LTS. RHEL, CentOS, Fedora¶ Install GMT5 via sudo yum install GMT gshhg-gmt-nc4-all dcw-gmt Install via conda¶.
Note: For mysterious reasons, many Linux distros are way behind in packing a recent GMT version. Typically you may find they offer 5.2.1 from 2015 while the rest of us have moved on to 2018. Your best bet then is to build from the current tarball or follow svn instructions below. Otherwise, installing from the distros goes like this:
Install GMT5 via
However, the Ubuntu package under 16.04 LTS for mysterious reasons does not include the supplements... If you need them you will need to build from source or upgrade to 18.04 LTS.
RHEL, CentOS, Fedora¶
Install GMT5 via
Install via conda¶
You can use the conda package manager that comes with the Anaconda Python Distribution to install GMT:
Standalone Installer¶
Download the application bundle (gmt-5.x.x-darwin-x86_64.dmg) and drag GMT-5.x.x.app to any folder. This bundle includes a self contained GMT installation. GMT-5.x.x.app opens a terminal from which you can invoke GMT programs and scripts. If you like, you can add the GMT programs contained in the application bundle to your search path for executables. For that, just run GMT.app once and type
in the terminal. Then prepend this directory to your PATH environment variable, e.g., in ~/.bashrc. Note: The installer is always built for the latest OS X version only.
Install GMT 5 via macports¶
Install macports and then the required ports in this order:
A legacy GMT 4 port, gmt4, is available too and a side by side installation is possible.
Install via fink¶
Installation of GMT through Fink is quite easy. All required packages will also be installed. Ghostscript is not strictly required but very convenient to view PS files.
For the latest GMT 5 version use:
For the legacy GMT 4 version use:
The two versions cannot live side by side.
Install via Homebrew¶
Installation of GMT through Homebrew is extremely simple. Installing Homebrew itself is a one line command only (see the Homebrew page). You may need to update the formulas so for that you will do:
For the latest GMT 5 version use:
If you want to install GMT 4 and GMT 5 alongside, do:
and to go from GMT 5 to GMT 4 (and vice-versa for 4 to 5, but see also the doc about gmtswitch):
Install via conda¶
You can use the conda package manager that comes with the Anaconda Python Distribution to install GMT:
We provide 32 and 64 bit standalone installers (e.g., gmt-5.x.x-win32.exe) in the downloads section. If you need the newest development version refer to the instructions for building GMT from source.
Download the latest stable source release from the downloads page or get the latest development version from Github:
Sudo Apt Get Install For Mac Catalina
and refer to the included documentation or the online instructions for building GMT from source.